17 Dec ULTIMATE TOUCHMATTE – No more finger marking!!
Wow what a year 2020 has turned out to be, a year that will be remembered for being one of the toughest in Aussie history. With Christmas quickly approaching we thought it best to spread some Chrissy cheer with all our friends.
As we know Allkotes was the first company to introduce the original TouchMatte to the Australian market over 10 years ago. Our exciting news is we are going one better, introducing Ultimate TouchMatte which will be available early 2021. Ultimate TouchMatte has the same unique soft feel qualities as TouchMatte but has the added advantage of not showing any finger marking. How exciting and awesome is that?? A TouchMatte that doesn’t finger mark, now that’s a real surprise for Christmas.
Of course, we will need you to decide whether our new version of TouchMatte hits the mark. Contact us for a sample of Ultimate TouchMatte, samples will be available early January. Until then, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas and brighter start to 2021.