24 May Show your Grit!!
Isn’t this year just flying, as the cooler months approach we thought we would put some heat back into the market by getting down and dirty with a new product called GritKote. Our latest offering is a lamination which comes in a Matte finish and offers a real gritty, sandy texture feel to it. Being a lamination, it provides that added layer of protection and durability to your print, plus you have the added bonus of a rough texture.
The attraction to the surface of GritKote lends its appeal across a range of different markets. Magazines, hard and soft book covers, cosmetic packaging, luxury bags, perfume, jewelry and spirit packaging, plus various cover applications. High end real estate and corporate brochures would also benefit with that added point of difference, why not add SpotKote for that extra pop! Contact our team for a sample today!
If you want to know more contact our Allkotes team on 02 9648 2022 or email allsyd@allkotes.com.au should you want to know more or see a sample.