04 Oct Glitter Your World with Colour!
We wanted to add an extra twist to one of our current products known as GlitterKote. Most of you have heard or seen our GlitterKote in our Allkotes Promo Book, but this time the COLOURS come to life. When we first brought you GlitterKote it was only available in predominately Silver & Gold. Well now there’s a never-ending bonus. Colours!!
GlitterKote has exploded into a range of colours never seen before!! Just a small sample of some of the new colours include Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Lavender, White, Blue Indigo, Firebrand, Cinnamon and the list goes on and on and on…why not mix your colours?
GlitterKote is a dynamic product offering a real visual impact to the printed or unprinted coated surface. We have seen GlitterKote well matched and applied across all forms of visual merchandise everything from POS material, Magazine Covers, DVD packaging, Book Covers, Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Cartons, Post & Greeting Cards and Business Cards. Some of the many uses of GlitterKote include the covers of Marie Claire, Retail World, Convenience Store and Show programs such as Sleeping Beauty on Ice, Sleeping Beauty, High School Musical and more recently Kinky Boots. The Home Entertainment industry is another market where the Ice Age series of DVD’s, The Wiggles, Hi Five, Austen Powers and Tinkerbell have all used GlitterKote to such clever effect.
However now it does not stop there! The Greeting Card industry is one market where we have seen great ideas and some amazing results. Now we can widen the story!
One important fact to note about Allkotes GlitterKote is the quality of the finished product. Let us explain. The advantage of GlitterKote is that it is trapped and sealed inside the coating. We are sure there have been times when you have picked up an item where glitter has been applied and it ends up everywhere. This is where our GlitterKote sets itself apart because the particles are trapped.
Should you wish to know more about our expansive GlitterKote range please contact your local Allkotes office where our technical team is only to glad to help.
Just before we sign off we would like to invite you to join us on FACEBOOK as we have entered further into the social media world. Offer us your feedback if there is something you would like to see or know please feel free to share your thoughts?